Nyatakan usia blog anda
1 years 2 months 11 days...
Terangkan kenapa anda berblogging
Story telling tapi tulisan syok sendiri je...One day my blog will become a history tuk tatapan anak cucu aku...huhuhu...
Nyatakan blog pertama yg anda baca
Ermmm...ontah la dah lupe...
Where I want to start a story…a little short story but a long journey…about my life…my hope…my loved…& my believes…there was nothing to compare from the truth…this give me a strength to have a good life…
In my early age my father had passed away…& I live with my beloved mother…from her I learned to live & thankful...for all the wrong u make me right…for all the joy u brought to my life…thank u mum…my sister…my brother…my grandma…my frenz (Aida,Yan, Intan, Fit)…& my luvly Aziezul…thank u again for being there with me…no matter how…when…or where…
Hakunamatata…what a wonderful life…it makes me who I am today…I’ll never regret…now I think my life is so perfect but not so… hour by hour…day by day…month by month…year by year…I still learn… learn about life…I’m living for a dream…
Huraikan entry tersebut
Introduction tuk blog MelissAziezul...
Letakkan satu pic yg anda paling suka dlm blog anda
Aku suke sangat coz pix ni sudah jadik blog header aku tuk sekian lame nye...
Harapan anda
Agar aku dapat menulis & menulis & menulis lagi...yeahhh...
Pas tag nie pada sape yg anda nak
Sapo2 je yang bace yek...